Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Day 5 - Pampering at Home

First, THANK YOU !

This is turning out way better than I had thought a blog would ! I now am overflowing with ideas and we are only on day 5 ! Luckly Mother's day is not far off.

So here is the current list:

1. Some time off (Great idea from yesterday)
2. Dark Chocolate Almonds
3. Her MP3 player full of girls music
4. Flowers (the old standby)

Pampering... at home?

As far as I am aware she has never gone to a spa. I am sure she would love going but it really has not been in the cards for us. A real pampering at home? Can it be done? I know I can spring for the $4.99 bath packets from Fred Myer, but somehow that does not seem to cut it...

We have several kids so I am thinking that this might need to be a family thing, and yesterday's idea of making your own soaps will be great... but then.... what?




  1. Hit up a bath shop like The Body Shop or Bath & Body Works (or the bath aisle at Wal-Mart for that matter) and put together a spa basket for her. Bath salts, foot soak, masques, cute nail polish (OPI is the best), candles, loofa, maybe a cushy bathrobe.

    And you can get the kids in on the fun. They can bring her drinks while she gets an at home pedicure (or if one is old enough maybe give the pedicure). They could give her a massage (I love it when my kids try to rub my back for me. It's so sweet).

  2. i'm with farmwife....opi polish is a home spa must have

    with the gift, give a special cleaning to the bathroom she will use for the spa, and include some nice candles and some sparkling juice in a special glass like what you get at a nicer salon spa

  3. Inkling has it right! CLEAN the bathroom for her before running her bath!!!!

    And yes, OPI is the absolute best polish there is. It is a bit pricey, but you get what you pay for. And I love the color names. My favorite is a red called "I'm Not Really A Waitress".

  4. You can make your own bath salts really inexpensively. Just equal parts baking soda and epsom salts, and a drop or two of the kind of scents you can get for making soap. I love cucumber melon scent personally. You can also add some food coloring, but just a drop or two or you will end up overcoloring it.
    A mud mask or facial peel off mask is usually fairly inexpensive as well. Make sure you have some soothing music to play while she soaks, gets a massage or whatever you decide to go with.

  5. I'm all about the budget, but does she have a brand that she already uses? besides good ol' Freddie's (how I wish we had a FM!) Find something that she has, and buy her a set of it (soap, shower gel, lotion, body spray).

    ALSO - do you know of a massage therapist that does house calls? I've a local friend (not much help for you particularly) that does special "We Love Mom" packages, where they can get a few short massages (30 minutes) and one long one for a smokin' deal...

    Just a thought - she might really like it if YOU were the one who was pampering her (hit the library for a massage book?), and maybe have the kids do something really fun like make her treats (chocolate or yogurt covered pretzels are easy, fruit salad) and be her waiter or waitress to bring her drink and snack.

    And I thought of another thing...If she's an active lady, maybe think about doing a hiking/snowshoeing date...take her on a nice little (or big) jaunt with a picnic at the end with fun treats that you used to do while dating.

    How about doing a dancing date? Our local Rec Center does dance lessons followed by a "real" dance once a month or so that only costs a couple bucks to attend...

  6. I had no idea what OPI was! But my thinking is A> Clean the bathroom (That was clear) B> Have the kids make the bath salts (Would be fun for them) and C> Then (since we have some young daughters) have them ALL paint their toes/nails.
